Lota Sika

Community Social Worker
Aiga Fiafia


Lota Sika

Tongan • Bachelor of Bicultural Social Work

Lota Sika is Community Social Worker for our Aiga Fiafia Social Services in the Auckland region.

Lota Sika is a registered Social Worker, and holds various diplomas and certificates in the mental health area, including a Certificate in Mental Health (Level 4). 

Prior to joining Vaka Tautua in October 2011, she worked as a Community Health Worker at Auckland, Waitemata and Counties Manukau District Health Boards for more than 20 years.

Lota loves working with our Pacific peoples to help guide them into the right place so their needs are met physically, mentally and spiritually. Lota was born and raised in Tonga, and migrated to Aotearoa in 1986.

“The best most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.” - Helen Keller