Mere Faraimo

Community Support Worker
Ola Fiafia, Wellington


Mere Faraimo


Mere is a Community Support Worker for the Ola Fiafia team at Vaka Tautua’s Porirua office. 

Mere joined Vaka Tautua in June 2022, coming from a role as an Events and Public Relations Coordinator for the Virtuoso Strings Charitable Trust.

Mere is of Fijian descent and comes from the village of Namacu, Koro in the Lomaiviti group. She would like to see Porirua City and its people and communities thrive. Mere is driven by her passion to improve the lives of people, those most vulnerable and particularly children and young people.

She is committed to seeing outcomes for people which support overall wellbeing of our communities. “So, joining the Vaka will enable me to do all of the above for our Pasifika community. Making connections is critical and joining the Vaka gives countless opportunities to do just that.”

In her spare time, she enjoys reading a good book, travelling, meeting new people and gardening.

“Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.” - Proverbs 4:23