Ngatuakana Kino

Community Social Worker
Aiga Fiafia, Auckland


Ngatuakana Kino

Kuki Airani • Bachelor of Applied Social Work

Ngatuakana Kino is Community Social Worker for our Aiga Fiafia Social Services in the Auckland region.

Joining the Vaka in August 2020, Nga has more than 30 years’ experience in community services work. Prior to joining Vaka Tautua, she was community support worker with the Transitional Housing Team in South Auckland. She is also highly active in her Cook Islands’ church as a Minister’s wife. Nga holds a Bachelor in Applied Social Work degree.

Nga believes it is a privilege to work with our Pacific peoples and to know she is playing a part in improving their wellbeing. In her spare time, Nga loves spending quality time with her family and listening to music. 

“Social work is the art of listening and the science of hope.”